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    Local specialty gold signature coffee "local goods" boutique

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    When we arrived in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, it was the end of the coffee picking season. At the moment, coffee is picked by hand, so every season, the owner of the coffee farm, Pan Qizuo, hires hundreds of villagers to help, creating an opportunity to increase their income.

    Local specialty gold signature coffee

    CCTV news (focus interview) : Kapok opens, coffee fruit is ripe, Baoshan Yunnan ushered in the red coffee picking season. Yunnan produces more than 98 percent of China's coffee. Yunnan coffee is characterized by strong but not bitter, fragrant but not strong, and slightly fruity. Baoshan is the birthplace of coffee industrialization in China. Small coffee produced in Baoshan is the representative of Chinese fine coffee. As the saying goes, it takes three minutes to extract a good cup of coffee; It takes three years to grow a good coffee plant. Today we are going to Yunnan to see how a fine coffee bean is born.

    When we arrived in Baoshan, Yunnan Province, it was the end of the coffee picking season. At the moment, coffee is picked by hand, so every season, the owner of the coffee farm, Pan Qizuo, hires hundreds of villagers to help, creating an opportunity to increase their income.

    Pan Qizuo is known by locals as a master coffee farmer, not only because of the quality of his coffee, but also because of the high altitude of his coffee garden, which reaches about 1,850 meters. So why did the Panqizuo family hang out in the mountains where there is no cell phone signal? The answer is for this particular coffee, Geisha.

    Fan Qizuo's father and grandfather are coffee farmers, he is a typical "three generations of coffee". This phenomenon is common in Baoshan. In 1952, Baoshan began to concentrate on coffee cultivation, which was small but laid the foundation for the future development of the coffee industry.

    In the 1990s, large-scale cultivation of Katim coffee began in Baoshan, Pu 'er and Lincang in Yunnan Province. This is a commercial coffee bean, which has the advantages of strong disease resistance and high yield, but the disadvantages are low price. Coffee farmers mainly sell it in the form of raw beans to foreign companies for instant coffee. Because China produces only 1 per cent of the world's coffee, it does not have the power to set the price of raw coffee beans, but the international futures market for beans. As a result, some say 98% of China's coffee comes from Yunnan, but the profit margin for coffee farmers is only 1%.

    Huang Jiaxiong, chief coffee expert and researcher at the Institute of Thermal Economics of Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said, "In 2011, for example, the price of one kilogram was as high as 25 yuan; But after 2012, prices continued to fall; By 2018, it had bottomed out, with an average price of 14.78 yuan per kilogram, far below the cost price."

    It's a similar story for other coffee farmers, as we head to Xinzhai, known as "the number one coffee village in China." It has the country's only tens of thousands of acres of contiguous coffee land, 95 percent of the farmers grow coffee. During the coffee slump, the villagers were also hit hard.

    How do you break the low price curse? Baoshan's answer is boutique coffee. Boutique coffee refers to beans that have been grown, picked and processed to strict standards. Unlike ordinary coffee, fine coffee is not subject to the international futures market of coffee beans, and its price is far higher than ordinary coffee. The market demand is strong, so Baoshan decided to take the road of fine coffee and intensive processing.

    Baoshan people have the confidence and strength to take the road of fine coffee. Because it is at the foot of Galigong Mountain, between 24 and 25.5 degrees north latitude, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the climate is hot and dry, the soil is fertile, is the top of the world famous golden coffee growing belt.

    Huang Jiaxiong: "In the daytime, photosynthesis is stronger, and nutrient production is more. In the evening, low temperature nutrient consumption is less, accumulation is more, nutrient composition is richer, aroma is better, forming excellent quality."

    Another important reason is that coffee consumption in China is growing at an impressive rate of 15% a year, far exceeding the global average growth rate of 2%. The domestic market is expected to reach one trillion yuan by 2025, and there is a huge shortage of fine coffee in China.

    Huang Jiaxiong: "Last year, our consumption was 288,000 tons, but our production was only about 110,000 tons, which is still 170,000 tons short. The future is very bright. We propose to consolidate the primary sector, upgrade the secondary sector and expand the tertiary sector to implement a virtuous cycle of development."

    In Baoshan more and more coffee farmers are growing specialty coffee. Yang Jiangchun, the "coffee generation", is the representative of the new power of coffee cultivation. In his 1,700-acre coffee garden, he grows Geisha, Bourbon, Uncaa No. 1 and more than a dozen other specialty coffees. Technology is everywhere.

    However, the light quality fresh fruit is not enough, the next every processing link to excellence. Washed, screened, peeled, dried and graded, the fruit is turned into coffee rice through multiple processes in this specialized processing plant before being sent to a deep processing enterprise.

    The company found that there was a large shortage of specialty coffee in China and high margins, so it decided to make specialty coffee the core of its product. To do so, they have reduced the blemish rate from 2% of beans in storage to 2 per thousand.

    On the basis of fine coffee beans, this enterprise has launched hundreds of products such as baked beans, freeze-dried powder and hanging ear coffee, with annual sales exceeding 200 million yuan. Taking the path of high-quality coffee not only promotes the development of enterprises, but also encourages tens of thousands of coffee farmers to grow high-quality coffee, forming a virtuous cycle and contributing to rural revitalization.

    Today, the rate of refined coffee in Baoshan City rises from less than 10% to more than 40%, driving more than 50,000 coffee farmers, with a per capita income of 4,000 yuan. Taking the road of fine quality makes the villagers taste the real sweetness.

    Yang Liben, Secretary of the Party Group and director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Baoshan City, Yunnan Province: "We will run through the fine products to the whole industry chain of one, two and three production, improve the rate of fine products and fine processing rate, do solid, stronger, bigger Baoshan small coffee local specialty this article, so that coffee farmers increase income."

    In Baoshan, coffee is not only a drink, but also a carrier of joy. This is a coffee-themed industrial and cultural park located in Baoshan, where visitors can not only see the whole process of coffee production, but also have more fun. For example, camping in tents. You can also learn interesting things about coffee, or experience a special coffee dinner. Finally, I can learn to make coffee by hand with my teacher.

    By creating the "coffee plus" business model, coffee is no longer just a cheap bean, but a golden bean with high added value. At present, there are 17 coffee farms like this in Baoshan, of which 5 are provincial boutique coffee farms with an annual income of nearly 100 million yuan. The development idea of integrating one, two and three industries not only drives the enterprises, but also brings a lot of inspiration to the coffee farmers in Xinzhai Village, "the first coffee village in China".

    The hills are covered with coffee trees, coffee beans are drying in the courtyard, coffee paintings are painted on the walls, and the smell of coffee wafts in the village. This is the first impression of Xinzhai Village today. Today, coffee is not only the economic backbone of the village, but also the password of drainage. They came up with the "Ten million" plan.

    Wang Jiawei, General Party Branch Secretary of Xinzhai Village, Baoshan City, Yunnan Province: "Ten is ten coffee farms; There are more than 500 families in Baiis, and 100 of them have been put forward as farm coffee shops, which have all been started. The thousand is a special 1,000-acre base, 1,200 meters above sea level, growing the world's most expensive Geisha coffee; Wan is ten thousand mu coffee garden, gradually improved into fine coffee. Our overall goal is to make the whole village rich through industry-driven tourism."

    Coffee farmer Duan Shaohua immediately signed up for the "100 Coffee Shops" program. At present, Baoshan City has more than 70,000 people engaged in the coffee industry, the comprehensive output value of coffee industry reaches more than 4 billion yuan. Baoshan boutique coffee Industrial Park is also under construction, and is expected to achieve an industrial output value of 1 billion yuan after completion. It can be said that the cluster development pattern of the whole industrial chain "from beans to cups" is gradually taking shape, with broad prospects and a promising future.

    The native product of the past, the golden beans of today. Baoshan's fine coffee road can be summed up as "one vertical and one horizontal". Vertically, through deep processing and fine processing, the added value of products is increased, and the industrial chain and value chain of coffee are extended as far as possible, so as to get rid of the curse of coffee bean price being controlled by others. Horizontally, it realizes industrial integration by taking the road of "coffee +", turning a small coffee bean into a big industry with vivid color and fragrance, and promoting rural revitalization with the revitalization of coffee industry.